blogger posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Why Women need to Weight Train

Why women need to weight train

Again and again research has shown women who weight train regularly enjoy many health benefits. Although some women still fear that weight training will make them big and bulky. However women's attitudes are changing on this and we are seeing more and more women in the weight room.
Listed Below are some of important reasons why women should train with weights and take it more seriously.

1. You will lose fat, while you are gaining muscle and you will not bulk up like a man since men have way more of the hormone that causes bulking.

2. Adding muscle increases your resting metabolic rate(the rate at which your body burns calories) so the more lean muscle you have the more calories you will burn throughout the day.

3. Weight training will make you stronger and you will be able to Accomplish daily activities with ease.

4.Your bones benefit. Weight training increase bone density so strength training is great against Osteoporosis.

5.Adult onset diabetes is a growing problem for men and women and this can help reduce your risk.

6.Weight training improves your cholesterol and blood pressure.

7. If you are an athlete or play a sport strength training is a Big Plus!

And last but not least weight training is very beneficial for depression. You will fee much more confident and capable of Achieving your goals. So go ahead ladies give weight training a try, you will love it!

Check out Amyl guard weight loss!
Author: Denise Nero-owner of


Anonymous said...

I am a fitness trainer and a huge fan of weight-training in everyone! Our muscles are like the engine that keeps our bodies running healthy and strong, so it's especially important for women since we don't have the natural muscle mass and hormones men do. Thanks for reminding people that! Great blog!

Anonymous said...

Good detail sharing.Thanks.

weightloss said...

Nice and impressive post. Women must go through the weight training as it keep record of health.